

Professor Chen, Chun

Building Energy and Environment Laboratory

Our research areas include:

Indoor air quality: modeling, measurement, and control technologies for indoor particles of both indoor and outdoor origin.
Aerosol dynamics: computational fluid dynamics simulation, particle dispersion, deposition, penetration, and resuspension.
Airborne infectious disease transmission: infectious particle transport in buildings, hospitals, and commercial airliner cabins.
Energy-efficient buildings: energy-efficient air purification technologies, natural ventilation, and advanced models for thermal comfort.

Professor Chen, Yue

Grid Resource and Energy Economics (GREEN) Lab

The research interests of Prof. CHEN Yue’s group include applied optimization, game theory, mathematical economics, and their application in integrated energy systems; particularly in robust operation of energy systems with renewable energy, market design and equilibrium analysis for transactive energy, and flexible management of distributed energy resources (DERs) such as electric vehicles (EVs), energy storages, and etc.

Professor Lu, Yi-Chun

Electrochemical Energy and Interfaces Laboratory

We study fundamental mechanisms and develop functional materials for electrochemical and bioelectrochemical energy storage and conversion. We investigate electrochemical interfaces including battery interfacial chemistry, electrocatalysis, and bioelectrochemical interfaces by employing spectroscopic and microscopic techniques coupled with in situ & ex situ electrochemical characterizations on model material systems. Applying insights gained from these mechanistic studies, we seek to develop material design principles for high-energy, efficient and long-lasting energy storage and conversion technologies for a sustainable energy future.

Professor Ren, Wei

Laser Diagnostics and Combustion Laboratory

Our areas of research include:
Combustion and fuels: study the oxidation and ignition behaviors of traditional and alternative fuels using shock tube/laser absorption techniques.
Optical diagnostics: develop laser-based diagnostics for in situ measurements of various flow field parameters for applications in scramjet, pulse detonation engine, gas turbine engine, coal-fired power plant and other combustion and propulsion systems.
Spectroscopic instrumentation: design ultra-sensitive laser spectroscopic instrumentation for trace gas detection and chemical sensing in atmospheric chemistry, environmental monitoring, industrial process control, and biomedical research.

Professor Xu, Dongyan

Nano Energy Research Laboratory

The Nano Energy Research Laboratory (NERL) is devoted to fundamentally understand energy and mass transport phenomena at the micro/nanoscale for advanced energy conversion and biomedical applications. Current research activities in the laboratory are mainly in three research directions: Thermoelectrics, Thermal Management, and Micro/nanofluidics. For thermoelectric research, we mainly focus on development of efficient nanostructured thermoelectric materials, fundamental understanding of phonon and electron transport in nanostructured materials, and fabrication of thermoelectric devices for waste heat harvesting. In the area of thermal management, we will explore the boiling heat transfer limits with microstructured surfaces and also develop novel thermal interface materials with low thermal resistance. As to micro/nanofluidic research, we aim to develop novel micro/nanofluidic devices for biomedical applications.

Professor Xu, Yunjian

Electrical Power and Control Systems Laboratory

The electric power industry is undergoing a worldwide radical transition that is mainly driven by the significant generation from intermittent renewable sources (e.g. wind and solar) and the growing adoption of electric vehicles.
We explore environmentally friendly solutions that can provide system operator extra flexibility to integrate renewable generation and electric vehicle charging, including energy storage operation, price-responsive demand, and the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS). The overall objective is to improve the overall efficiency of the next-generation power system while maintaining system reliability and security.

Professor Zi, Yunlong

Nano-Energy and Smart System Laboratory

As the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), trillions of widely-distributed devices are integrated for health monitoring, biomedical sensing, environmental protection, infrastructure monitoring, and security. The traditional technology for powering these devices is using batteries, which might not be an optimal solution due to the limited lifetime, difficulties for replacement and maintenance, and potential environmental issues. To provide a sustainable power solution, triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) has been developed since 2012 for high-efficiency mechanical energy harvesting from ambient environment. The TENG has been demonstrated with some unique output characteristics, such as high-voltage output, fixed charge transfer amount, and high-efficiency for low-frequency energy harvesting. The proposed research in our lab will take advantages of these characteristics to power high-voltage applications, achieve controlled output performance, and effectively utilize the small-amount, low-frequency energy. Besides with TENG, we will also explore mechanical and thermal energy harvesting through newly developed mechanisms. These studies will facilitate applications of the emerging energy harvesters and set foundation for the development of the energy-efficient smart systems. Welcome to contact me for research & collaboration opportunities.

Professor Zhao, Ni

Laboratory of Organic and Nanostructured Optoelectronics

Professor Zhao, Ni’s group is developing solution-processed photovoltaic technologies for low-cost, large-area and light-weight solar panels. Our research covers a wide range of topics, including material and device engineering, spectroscopic study of photophysical processes, as well as electrical characterizations and device modelling.